// This tutorial uses turnOn, see turnOn tutorials
// As soon as this variable exists, the page will start the code thanks to turnOn
window.editPoets = {
poetsSvc: null,
init: function({ moduleId }) {
// Create a $2sxc object using the current Module Id
const sxc = $2sxc(moduleId);
// Get the data Service - type PoetsToEdit has public create/delete permissions
poetsSvc = sxc.data('PoetsToEdit');
add: function() {
const newPoet = {
name: document.querySelector('#name').value,
birthdate: document.querySelector('#birthdate').value,
poems: document.querySelector('#poems').value
// Create data in the backend with .create(object) and reload page after
poetsSvc.create(newPoet).then(() => { alert('created poet, will reload'); location.reload(); });
delete: function(id) {
// Delete data in the backend with .delete()
poetsSvc.delete(id).then(() => { alert('deleted poet, will reload'); location.reload(); });
updateCount: function(id) {
// NOTE: Updated object doesn't need to contain all properties
const updatedPoet = {
Poems: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100).toString()
// Update data in the backend with .update()
poetsSvc.update(id, updatedPoet)
// After backend update, show the new number which the backend returned
.then(res => {
document.querySelector(`[data-poet='${id}']`).innerText = res.Poems